Cover design of “Democrats 101” by Mark Melnick

Cover design of “Democrats 101” by Mark Melnick

Democrats 101

America is in the throes of vast cultural and political upheaval, a slow-motion revolution that is going to endure for decades and tear at the basic fabric of both our country and our Party. If we want to succeed through all this ... if we want to truly make America a better place to live in … we need to take a much longer view than the demands and passions of the moment.

We need to step back and re-establish our basic identity. We need to rediscover the core values that unite each and every one of us, our sense of common purpose. We need to set these beliefs out in a Creed, in bold letters, and let that be our guide as we move forward. There is only one group that can make this happen: the rank and file of the Democratic Party, the people who care. Us.

The true genesis of “Democrats 101” is an ever-growing group of democrats from around the country who have not only helped shape the ideas, but driven the vision of unifying our party. One person wrote the words, but “Democrats 101” is definitely about all of us.

Read the Opening Chapter

Non-fiction - Political - Published by PlainWords Press

Now available on Amazon (Paperback & Kindle) and Apple Books.

On Ingram for bookstores

What People Are Saying

“This is a book for anyone and everyone interested in true Democracy in the United States.”

— Karen Gravelle, award-winning author of
The Period Book

"This book makes me proud to be a Democrat. As an American-born Latina, it gives me confidence in my party to do what is right and just, for ALL people.”

— Melva (Indiana)

“J.M. Purvis has very efficiently laid out the course of what the Democrats used to be, what has happened to them, and what the country desperately needs them to be now .. a modern version of what the party once stood for so successfully.”

— Nat (Long Island, New York)

“Democrats 101 was a compelling read. For a young black Democrat, finally reading about values is a relief. A conversation long overdue.”

— Paige (Queens, New York)

“Democrats 101 really gave me hope … a hope I haven’t felt since 2016.”

— Andrea (New York, New York)

“Amazing. Something all of our elected Democrats need to read and ponder.”

— Betty (New York, New York)

“This is the conversation we Democrats have been waiting for. DEMOCRATS 101 sheds light on why we’re in trouble, and invites every American to take control of their own political destiny.”

— Abigail (Portland, Oregon)

“I have been involved in Democratic politics in Ohio since the 1980’s. I have watched many changes occur over all these years, in both parties. This book calls to the real identity of the party I feel connected to, the real Democratic Party. It is full of information that the younger Democrats need to understand, and older Democrats (like me) need to remember. It is a message we need now .. the message that will move us forward as a party and as a country”

— Karen (Springfield, Ohio)

“A powerful read, quick, yet insightful to its core. "101" lays out the foundation of our problems as a Party, ultimately asking: who are we? What do we believe, and where do we want to go from there?"

— Sabrina (Central Indiana)

“We Democrats need to come together, as a party and as a nation. JM’s succinct and clear eyed analysis along with vivid historical context points the way to achieving this goal.

— Forest (Eugene, Oregon)